  'The Message of the Cross', The message of life that awakens souls all over the world
  By the prayer of power, I was blessed to conceive a baby
  God revived me who had no hope of recovery
  Thanks to God for Leading Me to Become a True Servant
  The Love of the Lord towards Pakistani and Sri Lankan Souls
  I Was Healed and My Life Was Changed through Space-and-time Transcending Prayer
  I Will Never Forget the Power, the Word, and the Praise! I'd Like to Spread Them to Many Souls in Bulgaria.
  I Was Saved from the Danger of Lung Cancer through Intercession and Muan Sweet Water
  The Works of Salvation and Answers Manifested through GCN TV Ministry
  I Wish for European Christians to Recover by the Holiness Gospel
  [Interview & Testimony] Dr. Jaerock Lee's Message Is Totally Based on the Bible
  Senior Pastor Lee Preaches the Message Based on the Bible-He Is My Great Teacher
  I Came to Have My Son in My Arms Thanks to the Prayer of Dr. Jaerock Lee
  God is the Great Healer!
  Great Sermons which Move Spanish-speaking Souls Changed My Life
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