Latest News
  A Divine Healing Meeting is streamed live to the whole world, A lot of healing testimonies are flooding from all over the world
  Tokyo Tabata Manmin Church's 20th Anniversary Celebration Service and Event
  Active missionary work in cooperation with the government and local communities
  [A letter from abroad] We are seeking the Lord and praying all the more.
  Unceasing works of the Holy Spirit, even at this moment!
  Testifying that the Bible is true, with various works of the Holy Spirit - Muan Sweet Water¡¯s 20th Anniversary
  'God will surely accomplish what He has spoken.' Manmin Church proclaims its 4 visions for Year 2020
  'We Long for the Words and Signs that Confirm the Lord!' The 5th Mission Trip to Valenzuela with 120 Associative Churches Joining
  WCDN proves the works of God¡¯s power with medical science
  Preaching the Gospel with Accompanying Signs_Pastors¡¯ Seminar and Handkerchief Prayer Meeting in Pakistan, Venezuela, & Thailand
  The Church on the Word of God and Jesus Christ
  Healing Cases from Overseas Via YouTube
  Power of God Manifested Overseas
  Healing, Blessing, Works of the Holy Spirit!_ 2019 Manmin Summer Retreat
  The Message of the Cross by Rev. Jaerock Lee Distributed in Malaysia
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