God's Gift for Infertile Couple |

Sungmin Choi's (Age 47) Family
I was raised in a Christian family but I was same as unbelievers. I went to the church on Sundays and prayed, "God, I am sorry" and then right from Monday I'd take in worldly things. Then on Sunday, I'd say the same thing.
However, I was never the same after I met Rev. Jaerock Lee. He delivered words of God that let me differentiate myself from the world. My heart felt refreshed listening to his sermons because I had longing for this word of God.
Also, I could very easily quit smoking because I felt nauseated by cigarettes. I was somewhat sorry that my spiritual changes were slow although I was hearing the words of life. However, when I felt God's love in my heart, I could feel that my inner being was renewed.
In the spring of 2014 I married Yuna Park. We couldn't conceive a baby for over a year and did some medical tests. The doctor said my wife's Fallopian tubes were blocked. She went to a very famous herbal doctor and took some herbal medicine to remove impurities from the uterus, but only in vain.
In 2016, she went to a famous laparoscopy doctor, but he said it was impossible for her to get pregnant because of the blockage in her Fallopian tubes. Only then did we really begin to rely on God. God was probably just quietly waiting for us to do so!
In May 2017, my wife and I began to have home worship services along with fasting in order to receive the blessing of conception, and God's grace began to come upon us. We'd seen so many powerful works of God but we didn't really show any faith of our won. We repented of that. Also, we were thankful for God's grace that guided us to the church filled with word of life and evidence of the living God.
After a month, my wife felt something different in her body. The pregnancy test indicated positive. She went to the hospital and it was confirmed she was pregnant. The doctors said she was in her 6th week and he could hear the heart-beat, too. Hallelujah!
In February 2018, we got a very healthy son and we named him Hajin, which means treasure of God. As I began to love him, I can also feel the love of the Father, the Lord, and the Holy Spirit who love us without any conditions. Hajin is the biggest gift from God! I give thanks and glory to the Triune God and I also give thanks to the Senior Pastor for his prayers.