I Have God's Love Protecting Me with His Blazing Eyes |

Kwangsup Lee (Age 26, 3rd Young Adults' Mission)
I had pain in the ankle with no reason when I was 11. My family was having a hard time financially, and I didn't tell my mother so it would not burden her. The pain got increasingly worse and I'd fall while walking. Finally, I received prayer from my Senior Pastor Rev. Jaerock Lee. The pain was gone completely!
After I got into middle school, the financial situation only got worse. We couldn't afford the rent any longer so we had to move back to our hometown in the countryside.
Somehow the Senior Pastor was made aware of this situation. He asked me in detail what the situation was like and helped us financially so we could live near the church. God's love filled my heart, and I made up my mind to live by the words of the Bible and studied hard, too.
So, I was in the top tier of my class academically throughout school. My parents couldn't pay for my college, so I went to a college far from Seoul where I could get a full scholarship. After I finished 2 years I joined the army.
Prosperous Everywhere Living by the Word
I received the Senior Pastor's prayer for my military duty in April 2015 and entered boot camp in Nonsan.
I was selected as an instructor candidate for new trainees. I had to take written exams, physical fitness tests and had many interviews with officers. Every time, I could answer with comfort remembering the teachings of the Senior Pastor, and I passed everything.
After I became an instructor, I began and ended each day by receiving the prayer of the Senior Pastor recorded on the Telephone Automated Response System. Since I couldn't cry out in prayer in the barracks, I offered quiet prayers and praises relying on the Lord. By His grace I was given the best instructor award.
After I finished my duty as an enlisted soldier, I decided to pursue my military career as a Non-Commissioned Officer. Soon, my Regiment Commander appointed me as one of his staff.
My job was much more difficult and stressful than I had thought. I thought about what the Senior Pastor would do in the same situation. And remembering his deeds of faith, I served my superiors with all my heart.
Soon, people around me began to say, "Whatever Sergeant Lee asks, we will do it for him." And I received the Regiment Commander's Award 3 times.
God's Love Protecting Me with His Blazing Eyes
In the winter of 2017, I was transferred to the northern border, the frontline of South Korea. I went to the Senior Pastor seeking God's help.
He prayed for me saying, "He is going to the northern border. Let him not be frostbitten. Let him not step on any landmines. Let him get acquainted well in the new place and let him be loved and acknowledged by people around him."
When I went to my unit, I could see the North Korean soldiers in close proximity, and it was a dangerous place where so many landmines were buried during the Korean War.
One day, I was patrolling along the fences. I heard a boom about 5-7 meters ahead of me. A deer was dying there. The mine had been moved by heavy rain and stepped on by a deer.
If it weren't for that deer, it could have been me that stepped on the mine. I was reminded of the Senior Pastor's prayer and gave thanks to God for His protection from the depth of my heart.
Healed of Urinary Stone by Senior Pastor's Prayer
In the spring of 2018, I entered the Army NCO Academy for 6 months for further training. For every session I received the Senior Pastor's prayer on my cellphone. My grades and fitness test scores were excellent, and it allowed me to get overnight passes every week. So, I came to Seoul and attended Sunday services in the church.
In the early morning of July 27, I had brown urine and excruciating pain in my side. I was about to pass out. Even in the ambulance the pain persisted and by the help of my instructor I received the Senior Pastor's prayer for the sick on my cellphone.
Soon, the pain was gone, and the medical test showed it was urinary stone. To my amazement, the stone came out with urine that afternoon, and I was completely fine. Hallelujah!
God's Love and Blessings in the Frontline Unit
In September 2018, after I finished the training in the Army NCO Academy, I returned to my unit on the border. It is surely a remote and dangerous place, but I felt I had no problem because I have the Senior Pastor's prayers with me and I believe in God who protects me.
The sermons I've been hearing since my childhood became the guide in my life, and thanks to them I am always at comfort. I mumbled in prayer even while I was patrolling at night. I was tired after the night shift, but I read Senior Pastor's books until I fell asleep.
If I got leave on a Sunday, I'd make a 2 and a half hour taxi ride to go straight to the church to sing in the choir. My heart is filled with joy when I thought of my praise being accepted by God, and I feel the taxi fare is not a waste. Perhaps I looked lovely in the sight of God and He blessed me to receive 2 awards in December alone.
Every day in the frontline unit is a continuum of nerve-wrecking situations and perils, but I am only happy because I feel the great love of God even in little things. I am thankful to and love my Father God and my Lord who took the cross for me. And I will never forget the love and grace of my Senior Pastor who always prayed for me.