I Am A New Creature through the Holiness Gospel! |

Moises Aguirre Pablo (Age 36, Evansville, Indiana, USA)
I'd been an alcohol and drug addict for 18 years. My situation was so bad that all the doctors said my
only solution was a miracle.
However, after I accepted the Lord, I was miraculously set free from the bondage of drugs and alcohol.
Since then, I tried to lead a good and zealous Christian life, but from one specific time in my life I had
spiritual hardship.
In the meantime, in April 2010, I came across a sermon of Rev. Jaerock Lee of South Korea on the
Enlace TV, the biggest Hispanic Christian channel. His message was beautiful, his presentation was
excellent, and I could feel that the words coming out of him were words of truth.
After that, I listened to his sermons on 'Measure of Faith', 'Love Chapter', 'Goodness' and many others
on YouTube. All the messages were full of grace. I shed tears every time I listened to his messages,
and I realized I had a hardened heart. My heart melted away listening to those words of life. I learned
that my heart had to be purified and I began to change myself.
I realized the kind of Christian life that God really wants us to lead, and I wanted to share this good news
with as many people as possible. So, I gathered some of the neighbors in Evansville and talked about
the love of the Father God and the Lord, and shared the news of God's power manifested in Manmin
Central Church.
I also tried to sanctify my heart as well. And about a month after I started my cell meeting, the members
received many answers and healings from God.
Odilia Alvarado was healed of sarcoidosis (inflammation that attacks the whole body) and received her
Green Card. Her daughter was set free from evil spirits and came to live a normal life. Cesar Gonzalez
was healed of sinus infection and Gabriela Rose was released from the evil spirits.
I was born again knowing Manmin, and I got another chance in my life. Manmin is like a privilege that
God has given to me. Manmin Central Church is an exemplary church to all nations and the world. It
sets a very good example to those who'd like to know the Lord more and get closer to God.
I see that the teachings of Rev. Jaerock Lee are the same as the teachings of the apostles in the early
churches, and I am very happy and encouraged following his teachings. I'd like to do anything I can to
help with the world evangelism of Manmin Church. I give all thanks and glory to the Lord! Hallelujah!
