My artistic sense was developed by the power of re-creation! |
Deaconess Elena Litvina, age 57, General Manager of WCDN Russia Conference Organizing Committee
I've worked as a chief nurse in Pushkin Hospital in Russia for a long time. In the church, I am
volunteering as a conductor of the choir.
From early 2016, I suffered from severe arthritis. Due to the serious pain, I couldn't walk well. I did
everything including medicine, massage, injections, and physical treatment but all were of no use. As it
went worse, I walked very slowly. I couldn't bend my knees. It was especially painful to go up the
stairs. I used to think when I saw people moving freely outside of the window, 'Are they aware of the
value of being able to move that freely?'
In October 2016, I was invited to Manmin Central Church's 34th anniversary event as a member of WCDN
Russia Conference Organizing Committee. I had heard a lot about the church from Pastor Vladimir
Osipov and longed to visit there. My long-standing desire was to be fulfilled, yet my health condition was
not good. However, I couldn't give it up. I got on a plane enduring the pain and finally arrived in Korea.
I had really wanted to meet Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee, and on October 7, I met him and received his
prayer for my arthritis and chronic headache. In fact, I was very surprised then because he spared his
precious time for us though he is a pastor of a big church and he was really nice to each of us. He
served us and talked to us kindly. I felt his great love and grateful to him. And his humbleness astounded
me a lot.
After I received his prayer, I felt the change in my legs. When I went up the stairs, I had no problem. Next
day, I had a tour of Seoul. I walked a lot and went up and down the hills and stairs, but I felt no pain at
On October 10, which was the day after the anniversary event, we visited Muan Sweet Water Site in
Jeonnam Province where the sea salty water from the well changed into sweet drinkable water by Dr.
Lee's prayer (Exodus 15:25). I was about to pray before I dipped myself in the Muan Sweet Water Pool
with a heart's desire. All of a sudden, a severe headache struck me. It was so serious that I couldn't
think of any prayer title but I just repeated saying, "Lord! Forgive such a sinner as me and heal my
On the morning of October 11, I felt very good and returned home. Back in St. Petersburg, I found the
chronic headache gone! It had troubled me from my early childhood, so I had carried headache pills
always and taken them whenever I was having one. But since then, I have had no headache. I also had
high blood pressure, but since my visit to Korea, the level of my blood pressure has stayed normal
whenever it was checked.
The doctors in my hospital know very well how much I had suffered from headaches. They also
remember that I had a stroke which caused me to have headaches all the time. However, after the visit
to Korea, I have stayed very healthy without a headache. I cannot express my thankful heart enough with
words. Dr. Lee's one-time prayer was answered this quickly, which amazed me so much.
I will talk about a more mysterious event. When I was young, I couldn't draw well. I couldn't even draw a
rabbit which any child can easily draw. But now I came to be good at drawing!
Here is the full story. Back in Russia from Manmin Central Church, I went to the drawing contest of my
granddaughter's school. While she was drawing, she suddenly said to me, "Grandma, why don't you
draw together? Isn't it better than you just sitting there?" I began to draw, and something amazing
happened right in front of my eyes. I felt artistic passion in my brain and heart. And my hands began to
express my passion on the canvas. People around me saw my picture and said, "Wow! You are really
good. You must be an artist. Please go on." I thought it was so amazing!
Since then, I have painted 16 pictures for three months and hung the pictures in the hospital wards. The
patients love them. I feel happy and joy overflows in my heart when I draw. Whenever I see my pictures,
I am astounded and think, 'Did I really draw those pictures?'
I began to reflect upon this incident. I received Senior Pastor's prayer in Manmin Central Church and
dipped myself in Muan Sweet Water Pool. Then, my chronic headache disappeared. Isn't it that brain
cells that control creativity and artistic activities were re-created after the healing of the headaches? I
cannot but think in that way because I had not been able to draw at all but I came to be able to draw very
well. I don't know how I can express my thanks enough.
I came to love Senior Pastor and Manmin Central Church all the more because I was given good health,
happiness, and a new life from him and the church. Of course, a professional artist probably would find
something that my pictures lack, but the amazing fact is that I have never learned art from birth and I had
never been able to draw well.
So, I have testified to my case to many people saying, "God is definitely alive, and He is the Healer. He
reveals His glory to those who try to find Him!"
I give all thanks and glory to God. I give thanks to the Lord who always prays for me. And I extend my
thanks to Senior Pastor who prayed for me with the power of re-creation.

After healed of her headache by receiving Dr. Lee's prayer and dipping herself in Muan Sweet Water
Pool, Deaconess Elena Litvina came to draw well, though she had not been able to from early
childhood. She sent her picture and testimony to Seoul to express her thankful heart.