Church Providing Support for Dental Care |

"Having a bad dental condition, I couldn't chew well. I couldn't digest well, and I was weak. But now, I can eat as much as I want, and I am healthy. I am so thankful that the Senior Pastor did for me what no one else could do," says Jeong Oh Son (71, Male), who has received a dental implant, a crown, and the lower jaw dentures. Rev. Jaerock Lee has had concerns for those members who couldn't afford dental care. Through his support and helping hands from WCDN (World Christian Doctors Network), pastors, and leaders, the charitable work committee has been helping members get dental care.
174 members have received implants, crowns, and dentures since the 1st half of 2018. It will continue until June this year. Taeduck Kwon (69) and Choon-Ok Nam (67) received the support together and came to have healthy teeth. The husband, deacon Kwon, says, "I couldn't eat properly and my voice would slip, but I couldn't get treatment. My wife couldn't chew even a piece of fruit. However, by the help of the Senior Pastor we can both eat anything now!"
Suhknyam (45, Foreign Parish/Mongolia) received 2 dental implants, 8 crowns and upper jaw dentures. He recovered his confidence that he had lost due to his dental condition.
Choon-Ok Kim (52, Female) got 5 implants and dentures. Jeongsoo Lee (49, Male) pulled out all the decayed teeth and got dentures as well. He says he can eat as much as he wants and he can laugh without covering his mouth now.
Rev. Jaerock Lee had been on his sickbed for 7 years before he met God, and he empathizes with those in who are not well. He's been helping the neglected since the opening of the church, and sharing the Lord's love. He has also let those who are sick experience God's power through his prayers.
The Charitable Work Committee is providing more than a thousand households with rice and basic side dishes along with some cash. It also provides scholarships to students in need. Our church has also been donating 70 bags of rice every month to 6 local municipal offices and welfare institutions. We also provide help to 15 residents in Nam-myeon, Jangseong Goon, Jeonnam Province.