Manmin's Ministry is Amazing! - 120 Indonesian Pastors Visited Our Churc |

120 Indonesian pastors visited our church from May 4 to 5 to see Manmin's ministry in person, and gave thanks and glory to God.
They had the pastors' seminar in the 3rd sanctuary at 9:20 PM on May 4. The Crystal Singers, Korean Traditional Dance Team, and Power Worship Dance Team sang in Indonesian language and danced. Then there was a video presentation of the Ministry of Power, TV and book ministry of our Senior Pastor Rev. Jaerock Lee.
The speaker Pastor Soojin Lee said the secret of our church's growth is power of God, fervent prayers, and word of life, and then went on to explain about why Jesus Christ is the only Savior. After the message, pastor Martha Dendeng of Cileungsi was healed of chronic knee arthritis through the prayer with the handkerchief on which Rev. Jaerock Lee prayed (Acts 19:11-12).
They attended the Sunday morning and evening service on May 5. More than 30 of them sang a special song in their traditional costume, which gave joy and grace to the church members. Pastor Adrian Saroinsong (Bethlehem Church) said in his greeting message "I feel like I am in heaven. I am so happy and thankful that I could visit such a good church."
Pastor Katoutje Karauwan (Bethlehem Church) presented a Plaque of Appreciation which Acting Sr. Pastor Soojin Lee received on behalf of Senior Pastor Rev. Jaerock Lee.
They also saw the Muan Sweet Water Aquarium, visited GCN TV, and attended the Daniel Prayer Meeting.
"It's a Church with Only Jesus Christ at the Center!"

Pastor Polke Denny Koyongian (Christ Center Church, U.S.A.)
I saw that Manmin Central Church has the powerful works that are written in the Bible. It is such a great blessing that miracles are happening in church.
God is manifesting miracles through Manmin Central Church, and we're happy that we could have witnessed them.
Before I came here, I heard some bad rumors about Manmin Central Church. Some said this church has a man at the center and not the Lord. However, this church has the power of God and everyone preaches about Jesus Christ. I witnessed that the Senior Pastor Rev. Jaerock Lee only lives with faith, prayers, and fasting. He always gives glory to God and the Lord.
I'd like to deliver the testimonies of our visit to my church members so they can have greater faith. I hope many people will visit Manmin Central Church and find out how the Holy Spirit is working to touch the people. You can be blessed here! I give heart-felt thanks for the hospitality of Manmin Central Church.